Announcing the release of Fedora Core 3

Fedora News Alert from Fedora Project on 2004-11-08

The Fedora Project and Red Hat would like to announce the third release of
Fedora Core.

Fedora Core 3 is a general purpose Linux operating system, available for x86
and x86-64 processors. Fedora Core 3, includes:

	- the 2.6.9 Linux kernel
	- Xorg 6.8.1
	- GNOME 2.8
	- KDE 3.3.0
	- GCC 3.4
	- SELinux

The Fedora Project would like to thank the thousands of community members whose
testing and contributions have raised the bar of quality and made this release

What is the Fedora Project?

	The Fedora Project is a Red Hat-sponsored and community-supported open
	source project that promotes rapid development of innovative open source
	software through a collaborative, community effort.  Fedora Core 3
	provides a complete Linux platform built exclusively from open source
	software. Available at no cost, the release serves the needs of
	community developers, testers, and other technology enthusiasts who wish
	to participate in and accelerate the technology development process.

	As a community forum for advanced development, the Fedora Project
	provides early visibility to the latest open source technology and
	serves as a proving ground for technology that may eventually make its
	way into Red Hat's fully-supported commercial solutions such as Red Hat
	Enterprise Linux. Red Hat contributes development resources, editorial
	direction and management to the Fedora Project.
	For more information, see

How Can I Get Fedora Core 3?

	Fedora Core 3 x86 or x86-64 Downloads are available from: or from the network of
	mirrors in the Fedora Project distribution system. Users may
	prefer to download Fedora Core via BitTorrent, or via older
	file retrieval protocols such as HTTP, FTP, or RSYNC.

	BitTorrent typically provides faster download speeds than

	BitTorrent RPMS for Red Hat Linux and Fedora Core
	are available with detailed instructions at