Hotmail is enlarged to 250MB.

About your account size

The amount of storage space in your account depends on the type of account you have.

* HotmailSympatico Mail With a HotmailSympatico Mail account:
o You can send and receive messages up to 20 MB on a primary account and up to 10 MB on a secondary account, including attachments.
* Free With a free HotmailSympatico Mail account:
o You have up to 250 megabytes (MB) of storage space.
o You can send and receive messages up to 10 MB each, including attachments.
* Hotmail Plus With a Hotmail Plus account:
o You receive up to 2 gigabytes (GB) of storage space.
o You can send and receive messages up to 20 MB, including attachments.

gmail 推出 1 GB 後. Yahoo 也修改到 100 MB.
在一陣子之後. Yahoo 又改成 250 MB.
今天突然讓我發現.也跟進成 250 MB.
看來 Web mail 又會是一場大戰爭.

目前我很喜歡用gmail.在 email 操作界面.還有功能方面表現不錯.
又能改變回覆 email 的位址.
真是太喜歡 gmail.

可惜他還沒有出行事曆. 也沒有出 google 自己的 IM.
希望 google 能提出更好的網路信箱.