Regular Expressions – Get Value

# data string as following :

TITLE=title name
CLICK=click Login button to continue.
TYPE=type your login password and.
RETYPE=retype your login password.


//regex = /LOGIN_CLICK=([\w .,]+)/;
regex = tagname + “=([\\w .,]+)”;
re = new RegExp(regex);
result = datastring.match(re)[1];

regex = /CLICK =([\w .,]+)/;
the value of datastring.match(re)[1] is “click Login button to continue.”

regex = /PASSWD =([\w .,]+)/;
the value is “Password”

# process unicode
/PASSWD=([\w .,’\u00A1-\uFFFF]+)/ –> process utf-8
/PASSWD=([\w .,’\x00A1-\xFFFF]+)/ –> safari process utf-8