蝦米? 微軟要併購雅虎!! 那蘋果要併購谷歌??
From : Reports: Microsoft pursuing Yahoo
NEW YORK – Microsoft Corp. is resuming its pursuit of search engine operator Yahoo Inc. (Nasdaq:YHOO – news) that could help it better compete with Web search leader Google Inc., published reports said Friday.
Yahoo shares surged more than 15 percent in midday trading.
The New York Post reported Friday that Microsoft has asked Yahoo to enter formal negotiations for an acquisition that could be worth $50 billion. Yahoo’s market capitalization was about $38 billion on Thursday.
Microsoft, based in Redmond, Wash., had no immediate comment on the report, spokesman Lou Gellos said Friday.
The Wall Street Journal said executives of the two companies are looking at a merger or some other kind of matchup and said the talks appear to be early-stage discussions. It said the companies explored the idea of combining last year but the talks led nowhere.
The newspaper reports each cited unidentified people familiar with the situation.
Industry analyst Matt Rosoff with Directions on Microsoft in Kirkland, Wash., said a huge takeover is unlikely, noting that it would duplicate services MSN already provides, such as instant messaging and e-mail.
It is possible, Rosoff added, that Microsoft and Yahoo might be talking about a deal involving only online search advertising.
Microsoft is feeling increasing pressure to compete with Google, which plans to beef up its portfolio with a $3.1 billion purchase of online advertising company DoubleClick Inc.
Microsoft currently trails both Yahoo and Google in the lucrative and growing business of Web search.
Google won a search advertising deal with AOL in 2005 that the Post said Microsoft wanted. In addition, Google is developing Web-based software that directly competes with Microsoft Office.
The Post story said Microsoft and Yahoo have held informal talks over the years and said Microsoft’s latest approach to Yahoo signals increased urgency.
Earlier this week, Yahoo said it would buy 80 percent of advertising exchange Right Media for $680 million, increasing its stake in that company to full control.
Yahoo shares surged $4.30, or 15.2 percent, to $32.48 in midday trading, while shares of Microsoft fell 56 cents to $30.41.
這場網路的戰爭是沒有止境的!! 台灣本土的收尋引擎幾乎都快被殲滅了. 奇摩被雅虎吃. 蕃薯藤應該還活著吧?! 中國好像沒有這樣的問題. 他們比較喜歡用他們本土的服務 我偶爾也會用一下百度. 找一些盜版音樂試聽. 金嗨.
當然蘋果沒有那斤兩吃谷歌拉. 不過谷歌倒是可以搞個作業系統來貢獻大家. 也許他的最大的作業系統就是瀏覽器. 相信他們想做到任何作業系統都能使用他們的服務. 只要有網路就可以使用到谷歌的服務. 無論什麼作業系統. 他們都要把應用程式放在瀏覽器上. 也許他們可以考慮出個網頁版的BT 或是網頁版的 photoshop 網頁版的影音剪輯. 網頁版的網路硬碟搭配著 smb, nfs or afp. 支援各種作業系統的同步. 備份大家的硬碟. 只要登入谷歌. 都不用考慮資料擺哪裡. 因為裡面可能提供500GB以上的硬碟空間給每個人. 大家可以利用網頁聽喜歡聽的歌. 不管妳在用 Linux 還是 windows 甚至是 apple. 只要你認證後. 你所有的資料都可以隨手取得.
我在做夢拉!! 不過, 中華機八電信(對不起, 我家的網路辦2M但是最多只能0.8M)不是要弄光纖嗎? 這樣的夢想應該不難實現. 如果我是谷歌的CEO. 我會打造出免特定電腦就可以工作享樂的環境給使用者.