終於放棄 Google 面試

Hello xxx:

Sorry! I was not available at that moment.

However, I would like to give up the IT position. I have a period of
time without using Microsoft Windows products. Especially, I have only
used Windows Vista for few times. I believe I am not able to fit that

I sincerely apologize you and all the Google phone interviewers. Hope
you have good days.

Sincerely yours,

On 11/2/07, xxx <xxx@google.com> wrote:
> Hi Sam,
> xxx tried to contact you for a phone interview with Google but was not able to reach you. Please respond to this email if you would like to move forward and we can discuss next steps.
> Thank you,
> xxx


好像是放下一塊大石頭的感覺! 對不起了Google. 我還是會很愛你們的產品. 尤其期待你們的 Google Phone 產品