Extreme 450a enable sshd

X450a-48t_2.1 # download image 192.168.0.xx summitX-
Do you want to install image after downloading? (y – yes, n – no, – cancel) Yes

Downloading to Switch…
Installing to primary partition!

Installing to Switch…………………………………………………………………………………………..
SSL will be usable after restart of thttpd process. Restart snmpMaster process to use AES/3DES users for SNMPv3.

Image installed successfully

X450a-48t_2.2 # run update

X450a-48t_2.3 # enable ssh2
WARNING: Generating new server host key
This could take approximately 10 minutes and cannot be canceled. Continue? (y/N) Yes
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Key Generated

* X450a-48t_2.4 # restart process “exsshd”
Step 1: terminating process exsshd gracefully …
Step 2: starting process exsshd …
Restarted process exsshd successfully

* X450a-48t_2.5 # save
The configuration file primary.cfg already exists.
Do you want to save configuration to primary.cfg and overwrite it? (y/N) Yes
Saving configuration on master ……………………………… done!