How to sync Nokia 6233 in iSync

1. Go to /Applications -> -> Contents -> PlugIns -> ApplePhoneConduit.syncdevice -> Contents -> PlugIns -> PhoneModelsSync.phoneplugin -> Contents -> Resources. (From Finder, use Shift-Command-G, for Go to Folder.)
2. Open upp MetaClasses.plist in your favorite text editor.
3. Search for Copy the following text. Past before the <key></key>:

                        <string>Nokia+Nokia 6233</string>
                        <string>Nokia+Nokia 6233</string>

4. Download the NOK6233.tiff file to the Resources folder (/Applications -> -> Contents -> PlugIns -> ApplePhoneConduit.syncdevice -> Contents -> PlugIns -> PhoneModelsSync.phoneplugin -> Contents -> Resources).
5. Launch your iSync. You are ready to sync.

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