iCards Allows You Create Your Own

You may know Apple does not allow you create your own iCards if you are not .Mac users. For myself, I’ve never joined .Mac. So, I’ve never ever enjoyed that feature.

Now, I would like to tell you that The Paradiso – iCards allows you create your own iCards.

Just input your image URL in below then click on “Create” button. You will be able to create your iCards.

For example, If you would like to send below photo as iCard. Just find out the image URL : http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3148/2588268951_617350fa3c.jpg

Check out here to see result. Please, enjoy it.

也許你知道 Apple iCards 沒辦法讓你使用建立自己的 iCards, 除非你是 Apple .Mac 會員. 所以我從來沒有享用過那樣的功能.

現在我要告訴你的是 The Paradiso – iCards 可以讓你建立自己的 iCards.

只要把照片網址放入下列的欄位. 然後再按 “create” 按鈕. 就可以撰寫 iCards 卡片.

例如, 你要寄下面的照片. 就只要複製該圖片的網址.

這裡檢視結果. 請享用!

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