New York Cheesecake

14 servings

1 cup Graham Cracker crumbs (store bought works well also)
3 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted
5 packages (8 oz each) Cream Cheese, softened
1 cup sugar
3 tablespoons flour
1 tablespoon vanilla
3 eggs
1 cup sour cream
1 can (21 oz) cherry pie filling

Mix crumbs, 3 tablespoons sugar and butter; press onto bottom of 9-inch spring form pan. Bake at 350 degrees F for 5 minutes.
Mix cream cheese, 1 cup sugar, flour and vanilla with electric mixer on medium speed until well blended. Add eggs, 1 at a time, mixing on low speed after each addition, just until blended. Blend in sour cream. Pour over crust.

Bake for 10 minutes and then lower the oven temperature to 250 degrees F, bake for about 1 hour and 5 minutes or until center is almost set. Run a small knife around the rim of the pan to loosen cake; cool before removing rim of pan. Refrigerate 4 hours or overnight. Top with Cherry pie filling.

Other serving suggestions:
1. Cut up fresh strawberries and arrange them on each slice of cheesecake, then glaze with Strawberry Preserve
2. Using a milk or dark chocolate bar (Ghiradelli works well,) shave off chocolate curls, using a knife. Arrange them on top of each slice of cheesecake.

Tips: To cut perfect cheesecake slices, use a wet knife.

Storage suggestions:
1. This will stay fresh up to 3 days in refrigerator and 1 week in freezer. Cover with plastic wrap or a cake box with a lid.



  • 將烤箱開啓, 預熱華氏 350 度 
  • 把消化餅弄碎後, 放入烤盤. 加入奶油與少許的鹽.攪拌後, 壓平讓弄碎的消化餅黏貼於烤盤.
  • 把烤盤放烤箱五分鐘後拿出.烤箱可以放著繼續保持350F的熱.
  • 將 Cream Cheese 與1杯糖, 麵粉與香草粉攪拌均勻. 最好是用機器攪拌. 要不然手攪到很酸.下圖我放錯了.放成肉桂粉.



  • 攪拌完成後放入烤盤



  • 先大致壓平



  • 再用小湯匙抹平



  • 放入烤箱以350F烤10分鐘後, 再把溫度調到 250 F 讓它烤約 1 小時



  • 大約呈現下列色澤就可以拿出來. 



  • 拿小刀把 cheesecake 與烤盤周圍繞一圈. 別讓 cheese 黏在烤盤上



  • 放入冰箱冷藏最少 4 小時



  • 之後就可以好好享用拉



  • 第一次自己做的 cheesecake 請多多指教 🙂


